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West Houston Theosophical

Study Center

A Place for Freedom of Individual Search

and Belief

FRI DEC 21: The Spirit of Place - Ray Grasse

Spiritual traditions around the world have long spoken of the distinctive character of subtle energies unique to each environment. What exactly is the "Spirit of Place," and how does it impact our lives and psyches? In turn, how do our actions, thought, and physical structures modify the energies of a particular place?

In this video, supplemented with outstanding photography, Ray Grasse discusses the various aspects of this relationship while also exploring the possibility of a synchronistic connections between human experience and the natural world.

What make a place sacred" Ray lists eight contributing factors:

1. Aesthetic Qualities

2. Subtle Energies

3. Memories and Stored Vibrations

4. Nature Spirits

5. Archetypal Symbolism and Correspondences

6. The Effects of Environmental on Human Consciousness

7. The Effects of Human Structures on the Environment

8. Astrology and Timing

There will be a group discussion following the video.

Ray Grasse is an author, writer, and photographer. He lectures internationally on the topic of astrology, synchronicity and meditation. Ray is the author of "The Waking Dream" and "Under a Sacred Sky."

Friday, December 21, 2018

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Tracy Gee Community Center

3599 Westcenter, Houston, TX 77042

Free and Open to the Public

For more information please contact:

Barbara at bwrtx2011@gmail


call Flem at 281-493-4542

West Houston Theosophical Study Center

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