OCT 20 2017: Practical Prosperity - Spiritual Principles to Create Wealth, Health, and Happiness w

Practical Prosperity
Spiritual Principles to Create Wealth, Health, and Happiness
One of life’s great mysteries is the relationship between money and happiness. Most of us believe that the more money we have, the happier we will be, but this is rarely the case. We believe that when we accumulate enough money, we will become prosperous. But prosperity is more than mere wealth. Prosperity encompasses the freedom to enjoy everything wealth makes possible. And we believe that once we become prosperous, then we will be truly happy. The problem is that we’re looking at it backwards. Money is the effect of prosperity, not the cause. And prosperity is the effect of happiness. When you begin with happiness, prosperity and money automatically follow. Happiness is a consequence of your level of consciousness. When you raise the vibration of your consciousness, everything in your “little r” reality transforms. This presentation will introduce you to a set of practical spiritual principles that create wealth, health, and happiness.
Practical Prosperity will help you to:
Identify and eliminate negative beliefs about money.
Discover why “The Secret” and the “Law of Attraction” don’t work the way you expect—and what you can do to change that.
Learn to let go of attachments and stop worrying about finances.
Use a daily gratitude exercise to elevate your vibration and transform your “little r” reality.
Build faith and grow prosperity with this powerful (and misunderstood) spiritual practice.

Kevin B. Burk is the Headmaster of The Real Astrology Academy, and author of more than a dozen books on astrology, relationships, and consciousness. He has presented lectures and workshops across North America and demonstrated how simple spiritual practices have the power to raise your vibration, transform your “little r” reality, and create lasting happiness. Burk has also created Archetypal Astrology: The Hero’s Journey, a unique and life-changing spiritual program that contains the tools, training, and guidance to question every aspect of your story and elevate the truth quotient. https://therealastrology.com/
Free and Open to the Public
Friday, October 20th 2017
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Tracy Gee Community Center
3599 Westcenter
Houston, TX 77042
For more information,
Barbara at: bwrtx2011@gmail
call Flem at 281-493-4542