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West Houston Theosophical

Study Center

A Place for Freedom of Individual Search

and Belief

NOV. 18 2016: Baby Boomers, Millennials, and Next Gen

Do you ever wonder why no one listens to you? Do you feel ignored, run over by the other generation? What causes the discord and can the discord be resolved? You bet…with a little understanding of the values, and motivation that drives each generational type. To sum up in a few words, consider the past, present, and future of our country, in terms of each generation. The result brings the clarity that revolved around the deep personality types of each generation and by analyzing some common behaviors. Common behaviors tie into core themes that shape the foundation each generation carries into the current dimension.

The interaction between the Baby Boomers and Millennials versus the Baby Boomers and the Next Gen shows how even those behaviors can create two different behaviors. The same holds true when comparing the Millennials with the Next Gen; however, the dichotomy between these two are more relational than with any combination of the other two generations. Whichever way each generation perceives the others behavior, the facts remain to be seen. However, a good predictor is to take a look into the past, pre-Baby Boomers to identify any interactions that may pose similar reactions in today’s World. Perceptions may be quite different; however, the functional results can be viewed as the same. Perceptions are individualistic and generational giving rise to help ponder the answers to the questions everyone has relating to the generational divide.

Deb Lawton, DM is a faculty member facilitating graduate management courses for the University of Phoenix – Houston Campus. In addition, as a Research Associate affiliated with the Center for Leadership and Education Research with the University of Phoenix. Dr. Lawton’s interests in research and publishing relate to an understanding of current management concerns to better the workforce. As a Certified Myers-Briggs personality assessment consultant and researcher, Dr. Lawton’s research relates to various diversity issues in the workplace, a focus on the shift in faculty teaching methods and technology tools needed to facilitate the student learning process in higher education, and the dynamics between various generations in workplace situations. She is a published author with ProQuest and in such journals as i-Manager’s Journal on Management (JMGT) and the Journal of Educational Technology (JET). In addition, Dr. Lawton has presented material at the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs Conference and at the XI International GUIDE Conference and IX International Edtech Ikasnabar Congress for the Open University of Madrid in Madrid, Spain. Dr. Lawton has received the Research and Scholarship Award for her recent research accomplishments from the University of Phoenix in June, 2016.

Friday, November 18, 2016

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Tracy Gee Community Center

3599 Westcenter, Houston, TX 77021

Free and Open to the Public

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