JAN 15, 2016: Planets-Country Connections and Current World Events - w/ Jagdish Maheshri

The presentation will entail possible correlation between the planetary characteristics and the countries around the world, and how this hypothesis can be extended to explain the current world events.
Jagdish Maheshri, NCGR Research Director since 2010, has presented papers on the “Earthquake Prediction Model” at NCGR conferences in Baltimore, MA. and Philadelphia, PA. In 2012 he spoke at UAC in New Orleans, LA. Jagdish holds a PhD in chemical engineering, and teaches Vedic astrology (online). Author of several articles, he also conducts workshops and appears on radio shows. He is a self-taught contemporary Vedic astrologer. His prime research interests are natural
and man-made calamities (e.g., earthquakes). In 1995, he discovered a unique “Ninefold Progression Technique” explained in his book, It’s All in Timing.
His website is www.astroinsight.com. His email address is jmaheshri@astroinsight.com
Friday, January 15, 2015
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Tracy Gee Community Center
3599 Westcenter, Houston, TX 77042
Free and Open to the Public
For more information email Barbara at bwrtx2011@gmail.com
call Flem at 281-493-4542. www.westhoustontheosophy.com