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West Houston Theosophical

Study Center

A Place for Freedom of Individual Search

and Belief

Aug 21, 2015 - Movie: Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds

We're hosting a Movie Night!

In lieu of a speaker for August, we will enjoy the movie Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds.

Here's the scoop:

There is one vibratory field that connects all things. It has been called Akasha, Logos, the primordial OM, the music of the sphere, the Higgs field, dark energy and a thousand other names throughout history. The ancient teachers taught Nada Brahma, the universe if vibrations. The vibratory field is at the root of all true spiritual experience and scientific investigation. It is the same field of energy that saints, Buddhas, yogis, mystics, priests, shamans, and seers, have observed by looking within themselves. In today’s society, most of humanity has forgotten this ancient wisdom.

We have strayed too far into the realm of thinking: what we perceive to be the outer world of form. We have lost our connection to our inner worlds. This balance, what the Buddha called the middle way, what Aristotle called the golden mean, is the birthright of every human being. It is the common link between all religions, and the link between our inner worlds and our outer worlds.

This video was obtained from the Olcott Library and Research Center located at The Theosophical Society in America. Lively discussion will follow!

For more information contact Barbara at bwrtx2011@gmail


Flem at 281-493-4542.

Hosted by West Houston Theosophical Study Center,

Friday, August 21, 2015

3rd Friday in June

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Tracy Gee Community Center

3599 Westcenter, Houston, TX 77042

Free and Open to the Public

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