MAY 8th: Daring Greatly and Achieving Joy at Any Age with Patty Brayton

We are the creators of our thoughts and our thoughts create our life. Helen Hayes before her death stated in an interview while looking back at her life, that she felt, "I've had an extraordinary life." That is a common goal humanity shares, "to have an extraordinary life." To achieve that requires one to dream big, dare greatly, exposing vulnerable parts of our being, and welcoming joy daily. We are never too old to change, grow, and master whatever our heart's desire. Join the West Houston Theosophy group discussion with member Patricia Brayton as we look at our vulnerably, our shadow, and alter some simple thought patterns to feel the joy that is our human nature.
Patricia Brayton was born in Milwaukee Wisconsin but as that famous phrase goes, even though she was not born in Texas she got here as soon as she could at the age of 25. After working in health and dental insurance she switched states and careers and moved to California working as a massage therapist for five years. Yet the her love for heat and humidity brought her back to Houston where she once again is completing the process of recreating herself and will graduate in May with a nursing degree. Her varied interests include astrology, theosophy, psychology, and traveling.
Friday, May 8, 2015
2nd Friday of May, 2015 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Tracy Gee Community Center
3599 Westcenter, Houston, TX 77042
Free and Open to the Public
For more information contact Barbara at bwrtx2011@gmail or Flem at 281-493-4542. Hosted by West Houston Theosophical Study Center,